TAG Heuer - Interactive Immersion Tour

Project Overview

Artemis tasked our team to create a virtual interactive showroom to help promote and sell residential living spaces for a newly built condo near Central Park, Circa. They wanted this sales office to serve as a showroom to promote their new condos, shared amenities and the local surroundings of the new complex without building a fully functioning demo unit. Given the lack of space in this sales office, they needed to create an experience that made potential buyers feel like they were walking through the spaces without physically being in one of these condos.

Our team created a custom mapped projection system that tied (4) HD projectors to create a single canvas across a massive curved wall that reacted to every touch on the interactive table while the sales associates guided potential buyers through the custom application. While they interacted with the table, virtual walk throughs would show up on the screen as well as various videos and supporting imagery to supplement the floor plans and information they saw on the table’s application. We had also utilized a Crestron system to create an interactive tablet that controlled every aspect of the sales office, lighting, blinds, projection, interactive table, audio and the ambient screens as they enter the building.  

Digital Deliverables

  • (1) 46” Touch Display - Built into a custom table

  • (4) HD Ultra Bright Projectors and Custom Projection Mapping configuration to fit the curved wall

  • (8) Ambient Digital Displays at Entrance

  • (1) Crestron Enabled Room Control Device

  • Custom design and development of the touch screen application and backend renderings to display the experience on multiple devices

  • (10) Media Players and Custom CMS to Sync Displays and Interactive Applications


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